2018中国国际商标品牌节日程(9月1日 星期六)
9月1日 上午星期六| Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
08:20-09:10 | 2018中华品牌商标博览会领导巡展 地点:唐山南湖国际会展中心A1、A2、A3馆 | Exhibition Preview Venue: A1, A2, A3Hall, Tangshan Southlake Convention and Exhibition Center | |||||||
09:10-09:30 | 第十一届全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农、国家知识产权局领导、河北省领导会见重要参会嘉宾(受邀者参加) 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店一层世园厅 | Zhou Tienong, Vice Chairman of the Eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Officials from CNIPA and Hebei officials meet guests of 2018 CTF (By Invitation) Venue:Shiyuan Hall, First Floor, Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | |||||||
9月1日 上午星期六 | Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
2018中国国际商标品牌节开幕式:创造 保护 运用(同声传译) Opening Ceremony:Creation, Protection & Application (Simultaneous Interpretation) 协办单位:国美酒业集团股份有限公司 Sponsor: Guomei Liquor Group | |||||||||
09:30-10:00 | 主持人:中华商标协会会长马夫 | Moderator:Ma Fu, President, CTA 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店一层凤凰厅+三层朝阳厅 |Venue:Phoenix Hall, First Floor & Chaoyang Hall, third Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
09:30-09:40 | 河北省委常委、唐山市委书记王浩致辞 | Speaker:Wang Hao, Member of the Standing Committee of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Tangshan Municipal CPC Committee | |||||||
09:40-09:45 | 国美酒业集团股份有限公司董事长武玉杰致辞 | Speaker: Wu Yujie, Chairman, Guomei Liquor Group | |||||||
09:45-09:50 | 宣读世界知识产权组织王彬颖副总干事贺信 | ||||||||
09:50-09:55 | 第十一届全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农宣布开幕 | Announcer of the opening:Zhou Tienong, Vice Chairman of the Eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress | |||||||
09:55-10:00 | 休息 | Break time | |||||||
9月1日上午 星期六| Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
10:00-12:00 | 主 论 坛:第五届中国品牌经济高峰论坛(同声传译) | MAIN FORUM: The 5th China Brand Economy Summit Forum (Simultaneous Interpretation) 主 题:创造 保护 运用 Theme: Creation, Protection & Application 协办单位:国美酒业集团股份有限公司 Sponsor: Guomei Liquor Group 主 持 人:中华商标协会会长马夫 Moderator: Ma Fu, President, CTA 地 点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店一层凤凰厅+三层朝阳厅 Venue:Phoenix Hall, First Floor & Chaoyang Hall, third Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
10:00-10:20 | 国家市场监管总局党组成员,国家知识产权局党组书记、副局长刘俊臣主旨演讲 | Keynote Speaker: Liu Junchen, member of the Party Committee of the State Administration for Market Regulation, Deputy Director, and Secretary of Party Committee of China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) | |||||||
10:20-10:40 | 河北省人民政府党组成员、副省长夏延军演讲 | Speaker:Xia Yanjun, Member of the Party Group and Vice Governor of People's Government of Hebei | |||||||
10:40-11:00 | 中国工程院院士、国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心主任、首席专家赵春江演讲 | Speaker:Zhao Chunjiang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief expert , director of NERCITA | |||||||
11:00-11:20 | 著名经济学家向松祚演讲 | Speaker:Xiang Songzuo, Economist | |||||||
11:20-11:40 | 公布“改革开放40周年40件商标大事”评选活动结果 | Announcement on the results of 40 major trademark events on the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up in China | |||||||
11:40-12:00 | 2019中国国际商标品牌节授旗仪式 | The Flag-giving Ceremony of CTF 2019 | |||||||
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9月1日 下午 星期六| Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
平行会议一:国际商标法律动态论坛(同声传译) Parallel Meeting 1: Forum on the Practices of International Trademark Law (Simultaneous Interpretation) | |||||||||
13:30-16:00 | 主持人:中华商标协会副秘书长南平| Moderator: Nan Ping, Deputy Secretary General, CTA 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店一层世园厅|Venue: Shiyuan Hall, First Floor, Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
13:30-13:50 | 国家知识产权局商标局副局长闫实 | Speaker: Yan Shi, Deputy Director General , CTMO, CNIPA | |||||||
13:50-14:10 | 美国专利商标局知识产权专员Duncan Willson | Speaker: Duncan Willson, Intellectual Property Attaché, U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China | |||||||
14:10-14:30 | 日本国特许厅总务部国际协力课课长辅佐(商标政策)茂木祐辅 | Speaker:MOGI Yusuke, Deputy Director for InternationalCooperationDivision, JPO | |||||||
14:30-14:50 | 茶歇 | Tea Break | |||||||
14:50-15:10 | 欧盟知识产权局知识产权专员Günther Marten | Speaker: Günther Marten, European Union Intellectual Property Office(EUIPO) | |||||||
15:10-15:30 | 韩国特许厅商标审查员JI Sang hoon | Speaker:JI Sang hoon, Trademark Examiner, Korean IP Office (KIPO) | |||||||
15:30-16:00 | 互动交流 | Q & A | |||||||
9月1日下午 星期六 | Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
平行会议二:商标典型案例评析论坛-商标法修改之恶意注册的规制(同声传译) Parallel Meeting 2: Typical Trademark Cases Review and Analysis-The Regulation of Bad-faith Registration in the Revision of Trademark Law (Simultaneous Interpretation) 协办单位:北京正理商标事务所有限公司、广药集团|Sponsor: Beijing Janlea Trademark Agency Co., Ltd & Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL) | |||||||||
13:30-16:50 | 主持人:北京正理商标事务所有限公司副总经理张宏| Moderator: Zhang Hong, Vice President, Beijing Janlea Trademark Agency Co., Ltd 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店三层朝阳厅|Venue:Chaoyang Hall, third Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
13:30-13:50 | 国家知识产权局商标局法律处处长戴山鹏 | Speaker: Dai Shanpeng, Director, Legal Affairs Division, CTMO, CNIPA | |||||||
13:50-14:10 | 北京市高级人民法院知识产权庭审判长陶钧 | Speaker: Tao Jun, Chief Judge, Chief Judge, IP Division, Beijing Higher People’s Court | |||||||
14:10-14:30 | 广州医药集团有限公司市场部部长陈志钊
| Speaker:Chen Zhizhao, Minister of Marketing Department, GPHL | |||||||
14:30-14:50 | 优秀商标代理案例发布及点评(一) 主持人:中华商标协会副秘书长臧宝清 点评人:北京知识产权法院审判二庭庭长张晓津 上海大学副教授袁真富 | Releasing and Commenting the Results of Excellent Cases Selection (I) Moderator: Zang Baoqing, Deputy Secretary General, CTA Commentator:ZHANG Xiaojin, Chief-Judge, the Second Trial Division in Beijing IP Court Yuan Zhenfu, Associate professor of Shanghai University
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14:50-15:10 | 茶歇 | Tea Break | |||||||
15:10-15:30 | 北京知识产权法院审判二庭法官宋晖 | Speaker:Song Hui, Judge, the Second Trial Division in Beijing IP Court | |||||||
15:30-15:50 | 国家知识产权局商标评审委员会法务处处长孙欧 | Speaker: Sun Ou, Director, Legal Affairs Office, TRAB, CNIPA | |||||||
15:50-16:10 | 中国社会科学院知识产权中心主任,中国知识产权法学研究会常务副会长,国家知识产权专家咨询委员会委员李明德 | Speaker:Li Mingde, Director of the Intellectual Property Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Executive Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Society of Intellectual Property Law and Member of the State Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Experts | |||||||
16:10-16:30 | 互动交流 | Q & A | |||||||
16:30-16:50 | 优秀商标代理案例发布及点评(二) 主持人:中华商标协会副秘书长臧宝清 点评人:北京知识产权法院审判二庭庭长张晓津 上海大学副教授袁真富 | Releasing and Commenting the Results of Excellent Cases Selection (II) Moderator: Zang Baoqing, Deputy Secretary General, CTA Commentator:ZHANG Xiaojin, Chief-Judge in the Second Trial Division in Beijing IP Court Yuan Zhenfu, Associate professor of Shanghai University
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9月1日下午 星期六| Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
平行会议三:INTA论坛--非传统商标的重要性及其发展所受到的限制(同声传译) Parallel Meeting 3: INTA Forum -Brand Restriction V.S. Non-Traditional Trademark (Simultaneous Interpretation) 协办单位:国际商标协会 | Sponsor: INTA | |||||||||
13:30-15:30 | 主持人:元合律师事务所 刘贵增 | Moderator: Wayne Liu, Yuanhe United Intellectual Property Partners 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店三层庆成厅|Venue: Qingcheng Hall, third Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
13:30-13:40 | 开场及嘉宾介绍 | Welcome Remarks | |||||||
13:40-13:50 | INTA 2019 年候任主席、山德士国际有限公司商标主管David Lossignol | Speaker: David Lossignol, INTA 2019 Selected President, Sandoz International GmbH, Head of Trademark | |||||||
13:50-14:20 | Adams & Adams合伙人Simon Brown | Speaker: Simon Brown, Adams & Adams, Partner | |||||||
14:20-14:50 | 爱彼迎知识产权与市场营销顾问Meredith Levins | Speaker: Meredith Levins, Airbnb, Inc. Marketing & Commercial Counsel | |||||||
14:50-15:10 | ZICO IP (ZICO Law (Thailand) Limited)合伙人Nuttaphol Arammuang | Speaker: Nuttaphol Arammuang, ZICO IP (ZICO Law (Thailand) Limited), Partner | |||||||
15:10-15:25 | 互动交流 | Q & A | |||||||
15:25-15:30 | 闭幕致辞 | Closing Remarks | |||||||
9月1日下午 星期六 | Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
平行会议四:超凡沙龙--商标量激增的影响与应对(同声传译) Parallel Meeting4:CHOFN Salon-The Influence and Countermeasures of the Surge of Trademark Volume(Simultaneous Interpretation) | |||||||||
13:30-16:30 | 主持人:超凡股份合伙人、商标法律事业部总监杨明|Moderator: Yang Ming, Partner, Chofn Intellectual Property Service Co., Ltd. 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店三层和通厅|Venue: Hetong Hall, third Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
13:30-13:50 | 内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司徐立群 | Speaker:Xu Liqun, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. | |||||||
13:50-14:10 | 国家知识产权局商标局审查管理处副处长王博
| Speaker:Wang Bo, Deputy Director, Review and Management Division, CTMO, CNIPA
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14:10-14:30 | 国家知识产权局商标评审委员会综合处处长蔡琼艳 | Speaker: Cai Qiongyan, Director, General Office, TRAB, CNIPA | |||||||
14:30-14:50 | 北京市高级人民法院知识产权庭审判长周波 | Speaker:Zhou Bo, Chief Judge, IP Division, Beijing Higher People’s Court | |||||||
14:50-15:05 | 茶歇 | Tea Break
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15:05-15:25 | 中粮集团有限公司高级法律顾问、知识产权事务负责人周多 | Speaker: Zhou Duo, Senior legal adviser (intellectual property leading official), COFCO | |||||||
15:25-15:45 |
超凡股份杨静安 |
Speaker:Yang Jingan, CHOFN SHARE | |||||||
15:45-16:05 |
广东省高级人民法院知识产权庭副庭长张学军 |
Speaker: Zhang Xuejun, Deputy Chief Judge, IP Division, Guangdong High People’s Court | |||||||
16:05-16:30 | 互动交流 | Q & A | |||||||
9月1日下午 星期六| Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
平行会议五:集佳沙龙--商标行政案件中的法律适用问题(同声传译) Parallel Meeting5:Unitalen Salon-The Application of Law in Standard Administrative Cases(Simultaneous Interpretation) | |||||||||
13:30-17:10 | 主持人:集佳合伙人、律师赵雷| Moderator: Zhao Lei, Partner, Lawyer, Unitalen Attorneys at Law 地点:唐山南湖国际会展酒店二层济众厅|Venue: Jizhong Hall, Second Floor,Tangshan Southlake International Convention & Exhibition Hotel | ||||||||
13:30-14:10 | 北京市高级人民法院知识产权庭副庭长潘伟 | Speaker: Pan Wei, Vice President, Intellectual Property Tribunal, Beijing Higher People’s Court | |||||||
14:10-14:50 | 国家知识产权局商标评审委员会法务处调研员孙明娟 | Speaker: Sun Mingjuan, Consultant, Legal Affairs Office, TRAB, CNIPA | |||||||
14:50-15:10 | 茶歇 | Tea Break | |||||||
15:10-15:50 | 集佳律师事务所律师侯玉静 | Speaker: Hou Yujing, Lawyer, Unitalen Attorneys at Law | |||||||
15:50-16:30 | 中关村远见知识产权创新研究院院长余晖 | Speaker: Yu Hui, President, Centergate Vision Intellectual Property Innovation Institute | |||||||
16:30-17:10 | 北京市高级人民法院知识产权庭审判长陶钧 | Speaker: Tao Jun, Chief Judge, IP Division, Beijing Higher People’s Court | |||||||
9月1日晚 星期六 | Saturday, September 1st | |||||||||
汇诚之路招待会| C & H Reception 时间:18:00-21:00|Time: 18:00-21:00 地点:铂尔曼大酒店金碧厅2+3厅 |Venue:Jinbi Hall 2+3, Pullman Hotel | |||||||||
“对话IPR 超凡英雄会”——2018超凡答谢晚宴暨企业IP管理系统“知产岛”产品体验会(受邀者参加)| 2018 Chofn Dinner Reception & Introduction of IP-Island(by Invitation) 时间:18:00-21:00|Time:18:00-21:00 地点:铂尔曼大酒店金碧厅1厅 |Venue:Jinbi Hall 1, Pullman Hotel | |||||||||
点商标之夜招待酒会 | Dot Trademark Event 时间:18:00-21:00 |Time: 18:00-21:00 地点:铂尔曼大酒店一层 辉煌1厅|Venue: HuiHuang Hall 1, Pullman Hotel |